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Henan issued urban renewal guidelines!We will comprehensively improve the development of livable, resilient and smart cities

Release time: 2023-09-25Source: Henan Daily client

  9月24日,The reporter learned from the provincial housing department,The General Office of the Provincial Government recently issued the Guiding Opinions on the Implementation of Urban Renewal Actions.,Clear to 2025,The pilot work of urban renewal has achieved remarkable results,We will create a number of pilot urban renewal projects with demonstration effects,A policy mechanism and standard system for urban renewal have been established,The "urban disease" has been effectively alleviated,Urban living environment is more beautiful,The urban governance system has been improved。到2035年,具有河南特色的城市更新体制机制更加完善,城市发展突出短板基本补齐,城市综合功能明显增强,宜居、韧性、智慧城市建设水平全面提升,城市生活更方便、更舒适、更美好。


  ➤郑州市、洛阳市、航空港区要认真落实国家关于超大特大城市积极稳步推进城中村改造工作的要求,Other cities need to adapt to their own realities,According to the characteristics of different types of urban villages such as urban center type and suburban type,结合建筑质量状况、人居环境情况、群众意愿、历史文化保护等因素合理确定整治提升、拆除新建、拆整结合等改造方式。

  ➤ Urban and project design should be strengthened,Display traditional cultural features,We will focus on implementing basic projects such as the rectification of potential safety hazards, the improvement of infrastructure, and the improvement of public service functions,以及公共空间营造、架空线治理、停车场地优化、充电设施建设、专业物业服务引入等提升类项目。

  ➤ Demolition and reconstruction should respect the resettlement wishes of residents, and arrange land supply and construction of resettlement housing projects first。



  ➤ State-owned land use rights holders are encouraged to carry out urban renewal by themselves or by means of transfer, shares, joint ventures, etc。

  ➤ We will explore the establishment of housing health examination, pension and insurance systems to ensure the safety of housing throughout its life cycle。


  ➤ Explore the block-based property management model and solve the problem of scattered areas without property management in old residential areas。



  ➤ Support eligible urban renewal projects to apply for real estate investment trusts。



  The full text is as follows:

  General Office of Henan Provincial People's Government
  Guidelines on the implementation of urban renewal actions
  Henan Government Office (2023) No. 51

  The people's governments of the provincial cities, Jiyuan Demonstration Zone, Aviation Port Zone Management Committee, provincial people's government departments:


  I. General requirements

  (1) Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,全面贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于城市工作的重要论述,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,Follow the law of urban development,Adhere to the people-centered approach,We will accelerate the transformation of the urban development model,Optimize the stock, improve the quality, improve the structure, highlight the characteristics, improve the efficiency,We will promote intensive, green and low-carbon development,Build livable, resilient and smart cities。

  (2) Work objectives到2025年,The pilot work of urban renewal has achieved remarkable results,We will create a number of pilot urban renewal projects with demonstration effects,A policy mechanism and standard system for urban renewal have been established,The "urban disease" has been effectively alleviated,Urban living environment is more beautiful,The urban governance system has been improved。到2035年,具有河南特色的城市更新体制机制更加完善,城市发展突出短板基本补齐,城市综合功能明显增强,宜居、韧性、智慧城市建设水平全面提升,城市生活更方便、更舒适、更美好。

  3. General Principles。

  1.People-oriented, improve quality。We will ensure that people's cities are built by the people and that people's cities are for the people,We will take improving people's livelihood as the starting point and goal of urban renewal,Organic integration with civilized city creation,Concentrate on solving the people's "urgent difficulties and worries",Give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of the people,We will continue to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security。

  2.Government guidance and market operation。强化政府引导,壮大政府融资平台,充分发挥市场作用,持续优化营商环境,鼓励和支持各类市场主体参与城市更新,形成多元化、可持续的更新模式。

  3.Problem-oriented, systematic planning。通过城市体检全面评估城市发展中的突出问题,科学编制城市更新规划,坚持统筹谋划、整体推进、科技赋能,树立全生命周期管理意识,系统实施城市更新。

  4.Adopt policies based on local conditions and categories。根据各地城镇化阶段差异、产业发展需要、资源禀赋和经济社会发展基础,合理确定更新范围和规模,明确更新改造的必备项与拓展项,积极开展路径、政策、机制创新,科学精准施策。

  5.Hold the bottom line and advance steadily。守牢安全发展底线,尽力而为、量力而行,示范带动、稳步推进,明确负面清单,坚持“留改拆”并举,以保留利用提升为主,防止大拆大建,合理把握节奏,着眼长期运营,避免“运动式”推进。

  (4) Mode type。Combine building quality, style and regional functional characteristics,Through regulation and upgrading, reconstruction and improvement, demolition and new construction and other ways,Continue to improve and optimize the adjustment of urban spatial form and function,达到城市空间重塑、城市功能完善、人居环境改善、城市文化复兴、生态环境修复、经济结构优化的目标。城市更新的类型主要包括:居住区综合改善类、产业聚能增效类、公共服务品质提升类、文化传承及特色风貌塑造类、基础设施提档升级类、城市安全韧性提升类、绿色发展和生态修复类、智慧赋能管理类等。

  2. Key tasks

  1. Upgrading and upgrading old urban residential areas。Strengthen the structural performance testing of old and dilapidated houses in cities and towns, find out the bottom number, file and card management, and sell numbers。加快推进无抗震设防、存在抗震安全隐患且具备加固价值的城镇房屋及学校、医院、养老机构等重要公共建筑的抗震加固工作。Strengthen the safety investigation and rectification of self-built houses, and effectively eliminate the safety hazards of self-built houses。We will explore the establishment of housing health examination, pension and insurance systems to ensure the safety of housing throughout its life cycle。坚持区域联动,系统推进城镇老旧小区改造,补齐水、电、通信、气、热、环卫及道路、停车、充电等设施短板,到2025年基本完成2000年年底前建成且需要改造的城镇老旧小区改造任务。Explore the block-based property management model to solve the problem of no property management in scattered areas of old residential areas。

  2. Prudently advancing the transformation of urban villages。郑州市、洛阳市、航空港区要认真落实国家关于超大特大城市积极稳步推进城中村改造工作的要求,Other cities need to adapt to their own realities,According to the characteristics of different types of urban villages such as urban center type and suburban type,结合建筑质量状况、人居环境情况、群众意愿、历史文化保护等因素合理确定整治提升、拆除新建、拆整结合等改造方式。整治提升应加强城市和项目设计,Display traditional cultural features,We will focus on implementing basic projects such as the rectification of potential safety hazards, the improvement of infrastructure, and the improvement of public service functions,以及公共空间营造、架空线治理、停车场地优化、充电设施建设、专业物业服务引入等提升类项目。Demolition and reconstruction should respect the resettlement wishes of residents, and arrange the land supply and construction of resettlement housing projects first。鼓励将村民富余的安置房或改造提升后的城中村房屋用作保障性租赁住房,为新市民、低收入困难群体等提供居住空间。

  3. Enhancing urban vitality。Make full use of idle and inefficient land to support the development of scientific and creative enterprises, and enhance the attractiveness of high-end industries and talents。加强旧厂房、旧仓库等更新改造,引入科技研发、体育健身、养老服务、文化创意、“互联网+”等现代服务产业。挖掘旧市场价值,补齐设施短板,改善内外环境,完善服务功能,打造便民场所。We will renovate and upgrade old commercial districts and promote the organic integration of food, shopping, tourism, cultural and entertainment exhibitions。推动旧街区功能转换、产业转型、活力提升,引入新业态、新模式,打造一批具有地方特色的传统文化街、商业街等精品街区。

  4. Improving the quality of urban public services。围绕城市功能完善、土地集约利用、居民方便宜居目标,优化城市建设用地结构,优先保障城市基础设施、公共服务设施等公共利益项目用地。Strict standards for the provision of public service facilities,Focus on "one old, one young and one strong",Through the replacement, replacement, transformation and other ways,加快补齐教育、医疗、托育、养老、菜市场、社区食堂、家政服务网点等便民服务设施短板,Promote the building of integrated communities,Expand the coverage of the quarter hour convenient living circle。拓展城市公共活动空间,改造、增建一批图书馆、文化馆、美术馆、博物馆等公共文化场馆和多功能运动场、体育公园、健身步道、小型健身运动场地等体育运动场所。推进产业园区和城镇生活区设施共享、空间联动和功能融合,提升城市整体品质,促进职住平衡,加快产城融合发展。

  5. Strengthen the shaping of urban features and the protection and inheritance of historical culture。We will strengthen management of shaping urban features。Promote overall urban design and strengthen the control of urban landmark system, skyline, color, height and density。编制城市更新详细规划,落实建筑高度、重要景观节点、开敞空间、地区特色风貌等管控要求。探索实行总建筑师负责制,赋予城市总建筑师在城市更新和城市设计管理方面的专业话语权。加强对历史文化街区、历史建筑和代表城市记忆的大树、古树、名木的保护与利用,We will strictly control large-scale demolition, expansion and relocation,Insist on staying as long as possible,Retain and utilize the existing buildings, maintain the pattern and scale of the old city, and continue the urban characteristics,To preserve the memory of the city,Enhance the attractiveness of cities。

  6. Strengthening systematic construction and upgrading of infrastructure。Implement the renewal and transformation of "broken roads" and "side roads" to smooth the "microcirculation" of urban traffic。通过存量挖潜、新建补强、周边共享等方式,强化标准执行,补齐停车设施短板,推进通信基础设施和公共充电设施建设。We will continue to upgrade urban gas pipelines and other pipe networks and improve the quality and efficiency of urban sewage treatment。加强城市应急备用水源建设和多水源联网互通,加快老旧二次供水设施改造,建设节水型城市。Promote the construction of sponge cities in the whole region, and basically eliminate black and odorous water bodies in county-level cities and built-up areas of county counties by 2025。统筹市政基础设施和城市地下空间,因地制宜推进综合管廊(沟)建设,实现城市地下基础设施规划“一张图”、建设“一盘棋”、管理“一体化”。推进城市信息模型基础平台建设,加强社区5G等信息通信基础网络建设,加快智慧社区和智慧物业发展,实施市政基础设施智能化建设和改造,协同发展智慧城市与智能网联汽车。

  7. Improving the resilience of urban security。全面开展城市基础设施普查,加快构建安全风险分级管控和隐患排查治理双重预防机制。整合燃气、电力、通信、桥梁、综合管廊等设施的信息系统,在城市运行管理十大靠谱网投平台上搭建城市生命线安全运行监测系统,实现全方位监测、及时预警、精确溯源、实时处置。统筹城市防洪排涝,优化城市防洪排涝通道设置和滞洪蓄洪空间布局,系统推进易淹易涝片区整治。稳步推进“平急两用”公共基础设施建设,提升城市应急避灾能力,统筹城市发展与安全。完善城市灾害监测预警和应急预案体系,建立指挥统一、部门联动、军地协同、运转顺畅、处置高效的城市应急救援指挥体系,提升城市安全韧性管理能力。

  8. Promoting green urban development and ecological restoration。以生态保护和环境治理为基础,推行以生态环境为导向开发模式,实现生态建设与经济发展互相促进。Adhere to the concept of green urban development and promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal。We will build high-quality green and low-carbon buildings, and promote energy conservation and green transformation of existing buildings。加强生活垃圾、市政污泥、建筑垃圾等固体废物分类收集、利用、处置设施建设和协同处理,推进“无废城市”建设。大力推行以公共交通为导向开发模式,提高轨道站点周边人口、岗位覆盖率,规范合理设置公交专用道,强化轨道交通站点与城市公交、慢行系统的衔接。有序推进受损山体、水体岸线、城市废弃地及受污染土地等生态修复,恢复城市自然生态。合理优化绿化空间体系,通过拆违建绿、破硬复绿、见缝插绿等,建设口袋公园、便民绿地、城市绿道,构建完整连贯的绿地系统。Promote the opening and sharing of parks and green Spaces, and create a national ecological garden city。

  9. Improving refined and smart urban governance。We will improve the overall coordination mechanism of urban management committees,We will establish and improve mechanisms for daily scheduling, special research and assessment of urban management,We will improve urban governance standards,Integration promotes urban renewal and the creation of civilized cities,We will move the focus of urban governance and resources to the grassroots,We will strengthen urban grid management,We will comprehensively enhance our capacity for urban governance。实施管线下地、广告下墙、停车进库进位、拆除违建和围墙的“两下两进两拆”行动,提升城市品质。It is supported by technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and 5G,Relying on the provincial government big data platform,China Unicom integrated urban operation management services related information system,Pooling and sharing data resources,We will accelerate the construction of an urban operation management service platform system,By the end of 2025, the "one network management" system and mechanism of urban operation and management will be basically improved。

  3. Implementation path

  (1) Conducting physical examination assessment。坚持“一年一体检、五年一评估”,建立“发现问题—整改问题—巩固提升”的城市体检工作机制。坚持问题导向、目标导向、结果导向,以解决难点、堵点、痛点问题为重点,合理确定城市更新任务和项目。市级城市全面开展城市体检,县级城市及有条件的县城要积极开展城市体检,鼓励各地聚焦韧性城市、风貌品质、完整社区等开展专项体检、片区体检。

  (2) Formulating renewal plans。依据城市体检成果,衔接相关规划,综合考虑城市更新与产业发展、遗产保护等专项规划的关系,编制城市更新规划,明确更新重点区域、目标任务,划定更新单元,分类提出单元更新策略和设计管控要求,明确建设时序。The urban renewal plan shall be submitted to the government at the same level for approval before implementation, and submitted to the urban renewal department of the government at a higher level for the record。

  3. Formulating action plans。坚持区域统筹,树立全生命周期管理意识,依据城市更新规划编制城市更新行动计划,系统谋划城市更新项目,明确目标任务、建设规模、更新时序,合理确定项目资金来源、实施方式、运营模式。The urban renewal action plan shall be implemented after examination and approval by the government at the corresponding level。

  (4) Promoting project implementation。各地政府城市更新主管部门要合理确定项目实施主体,建立评估退出机制,保障项目顺利实施。The project implementation body shall be responsible for the preparation of the specific implementation plan, and shall organize the implementation according to law after submitting it to the competent urban renewal department for review。涉及历史文化保护传承的项目应符合历史文化名城保护的相关要求,并依法开展历史文化资源调查和评估论证。项目实施方案应以营造高品质空间、激发城市活力为目标,明确整体策划、统筹设计、盘活资产、投资融资、系统建设及运营管理等内容。

  5. Persisting in demonstration and driving。组织开展城市更新试点工作,探索城市更新工作机制、更新模式、政策措施、技术方法等,全生命周期推进城市建设绿色化、智慧化转型,总结可复制、可推广经验。一体化推进空间更新、产业发展和生态治理,在单元街区改造、市政设施提质、生态空间修复、既有建筑活化利用、低效用地高效利用、安全韧性水平提升等方面实施一批示范项目。

  Fourth, safeguard measures

  1. Improving land use policies。以鼓励土地用途兼容、建筑功能混合为导向,完善土地用途变更、整合、置换等政策。We will improve systems for registering land for urban renewal, calculating and paying land prices, making up land transfer fees, and distributing land value gains。创新土地出让方式,探索带方案出让、协议出让、长期租赁、先租后让、租让结合、弹性年期、作价出资(入股)等灵活的供地方式。State-owned land use rights holders are encouraged to carry out urban renewal by themselves or by means of transfer, shares, joint ventures, etc。城市更新项目周边的边角地、夹心地、插花地等不具备独立开发条件的零星土地,可以纳入城市更新项目进行整体利用,重点用于完善区域公共服务设施,符合相关条件的可以划拨或协议出让的方式办理用地手续。

  2. Strengthening planning support。城市更新区域内项目用地性质、建筑高度、建筑密度、容积率等指标,在保障公共利益、符合更新目标的前提下,经论证并履行控制性详细规划法定修改程序后,可予以适当优化。在城市更新中承担文物、历史文化保护责任,或存在增加城市基础设施和公共服务设施、创新型产业用房、公共住房以及城市公共空间等情形的,可给予容积率奖励。因确有实施困难,满足消防等安全要求并征询相关权利人同意后,部分地块的绿地率、建筑密度、建筑退界和间距、机动车出入口等可按不低于现状水平控制。

  3. Strengthening financial security。Give full play to the dual role of the government and the market, and raise funds through multiple channels。推进各类资金整合和统筹使用,积极争取中央支持,探索设立省、市级城市更新专项基金,鼓励、协助有条件的地方申请并用好用足地方政府专项资金、专项债券。做大做强政府融资平台,撬动社会力量参与城市更新,积极引导房地产、建筑施工等企业参与城市更新项目。Support eligible urban renewal projects to apply for real estate investment trusts。鼓励金融机构创新中长期金融贷款产品,丰富增信方式,积极为城市更新项目提供融资支持。鼓励将项目区域内的停车、公房、广告等经营性资产以及城市更新后形成的相关资产、特许经营权或未来收益权注入项目实施主体。

  5. Organization and implementation

  1. Strengthen organizational leadership。成立由省长任组长,常务副省长、分管住房城乡建设工作的副省长任副组长,省直有关部门主要负责同志为成员的省城市更新工作领导小组,统筹推进城市更新及城市提质工作,协调解决有关重大问题。The leading group has an office, which is located in the provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。All relevant departments should assume their respective responsibilities, coordinate and work together to form synergy。All localities should establish mechanisms to promote urban renewal。

  2. Improving the support system。按照立法权限和立法程序加快推进城市更新地方性法规、政府规章立法工作,完善配套政策及标准。加强城市更新科技创新能力建设,形成一批技术应用示范,推动城市更新产业发展。优化适应城市更新要求的工程项目审批流程,创新城市更新项目分级分类审批机制,将重要项目列入生态环境要素保障白名单,简化审批流程。

  3. Strengthen guidance and evaluation。建立省、市两级城市更新Committee of experts,对城市更新规划、行动计划、实施方案、项目等进行指导和审核把关。Establish a work scheduling mechanism, summarize and promote advanced experience and practices in a timely manner。We will formulate standards and methods for the evaluation of urban renewal work, and strengthen the evaluation of performance and effectiveness。

  4. Strengthen publicity and training。Actively mobilize the masses to participate in urban renewal work, and extensively solicit opinions and suggestions from the masses。We will strengthen the training of leading officials on urban renewal policies and operations, and effectively improve the professional quality and ability of officials at all levels。Summarize excellent cases and promote typical experience。利用广播、电视、报刊及网络等新媒体,加强城市更新政策、成效宣传,营造良好社会氛围。


General Office of Henan Provincial People's Government

  September 14, 2023

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society是由全省土木建筑领域科技工作者及有关单位自愿结成的、经省民政厅批准、登记成立的全省性、公益性、专业性和非营利性的科技类学术性社会团体,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

Contact information

    • Contact: Zhang Miaozi

    • Contact number: 0371-63934798

    • QQ:2078961585

    • Email:

    • Address: No.96, Huanghe Road, Zhengzhou City

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